Federal Nomination Meeting September 29th
The Guelph New Democratic Party Electoral District Association (EDA) will hold its Federal Nomination Meeting on Friday, September 29th 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
during difficult times, Canadians always come together to work for the common good.
At the federal level, Jagmeet Singh has been calling on the government to make sure no one falls through the cracks. We’ve been calling for direct assistance and wage replacement for working class families, protections for workers and tenants, an extension on tax filing and CRA deadlines, and support and supplies for Indigenous communities.
Provincially, Andrea Horwath has been pushing the government to immediately send $2000 to households facing economic hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic, increase the child benefit for households affected, spend $1 billion in surge funding for Ontario hospitals, and put into law a bill guaranteeing that no one can be evicted for any reason nor punished for missing rent during this pandemic.
Locally, we’ve started making calls to our members to make sure that they’re okay during this crisis. In these unprecedented times, we know that many people in Guelph and beyond are facing difficult circumstances and difficult decisions. If you are in need of care, assistance, or just someone to talk to, please feel free to let us know by replying to this email or sending us a message on social media. We want everyone to feel safe, supported, and heard during this crisis. Please also contact us if you’d like to assist us in these efforts.
Going forward with social media, we will be boosting messages from local organizations that are in need of funding, volunteers, or other types of support. Please let us know of any organizations that we can support in this way.The most marginalized among us are seeing rapid dwindling of the services they rely on, and we will do our part to help. Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @guelphndp or visit our Facebook page at Facebook.com/ GuelphNewDemocrats for more information.
If we help one another, we can get through this together.
In Solidarity,
Your Guelph NDP
The Guelph New Democratic Party Electoral District Association (EDA) will hold its Federal Nomination Meeting on Friday, September 29th 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, the Ontario government introduced legislation that would force 55,000 frontline education workers into a contract without collective bargaining ‒ and use the Notwithstanding Clause to overrule any legal challenges based on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
No government has ever taken such a direct aim at the right to free and fair collective bargaining under the Charter.
This unprecedented attack on education workers is a threat to all workers in Ontario.
GUELPH — New Democrats in Guelph have selected James Parr to be their NDP candidate in the 2022 provincial election.