Federal Nomination Meeting September 29th

The Guelph New Democratic Party Electoral District Association (EDA) will hold its Federal Nomination Meeting on Friday, September 29th 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Guelph Youth Music Hall (75 Cardigan St.) starting at 7pm. Attendance is open to all members and supporters of the Guelph NDP, as well as non-members who wish to attend.

Joining will be special guests MPP Jill Andrew and CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn.

Jill Andrew currently serves as the the Ontario NDP Culture Critic and Women's Issues Critic for the Official Opposition. Since her election in 2018, Jill has been a leading voice on issues of gender, race and social justice, the housing crisis, healthcare inequities, education and the immeasurable benefit of arts and culture to our communities but also to our physical, mental and social health.

Fred Hahn has been a passionate voice for working people in Ontario for decades, having been first elected to CUPE Ontario's executive board in 1998, and gained a reputation there as a dedicated public sector campaigner and someone who is knowledgeable about the diverse issues facing workers across the province. Fred made labour history in 2009 when he was elected President of CUPE Ontario. As the first openly gay labour leader in Ontario, Fred works to build diversity in the labour movement, while pushing for improved working conditions both for CUPE members, and for all workers in Ontario.

And the candidate to be acclaimed is Janice Folk-Dawson. Janice is a long-time Guelphite and local labour leader, having served in the past as President of CUPE 1334 at the University of Guelph and President of Guelph District Labour Council, and currently works to advance workers’ rights across the province as the Executive Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Labour.


For a link to RSVP for the nomination meeting, click here.

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